18 noiembrie 2007

Dark angels

"Please, spread your wings and come to my dreams, sad angel of mine,
where black thoughts get birth to swamps in my words and cover the sky of my mind,
where heart torn I bleed the bad deeds I did, flooding the green of my life,
where hurt down I lie, light hate now my eyes and ears have deafened by will…
where one cannot know how dead is my soul, ‘coz always I show only smiles
and voiceless I shout the meanless I found in things that all people enjoy…"

This was the pray she wrote at the bay, in hope that the angel would read,
but nothing in world could give her the sword to cut all the sorrow inside.
Indeed, he has read, her pray and he said, that she should be stronger than that
and put there ahead into the sand, something positive, not bad.
She needed support not cut her words short, so problems got bigger and worse
and this little soul, remained like a doll apart from its body and and legs.

Now, years have past and she did her best, forgeting the angels and bays,
just healing the pain that she cryed in vain, so many years ago.
"I see nothing can touch these angels from heights, that left me a whole life alone,
so why should I try believe their huge lie that angels deserve any trust?"

The rage she has reached has helped her now switch to facing the calls of the dark
and be with no doubt a person without any trace of belief...

2 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

Without something to belive in, what are you? Unele lucruri in care crezi ajung sa te raneasca. Dar oare chiar de ele e vorba? Nu cumva altceva e ce te-a ranit, si nu visul tau? De exemplu... visez sa iubesc si sa fiu iubit intr-un anume fel. Si cred ca am gasit asta, dar pana la urma constat ca ea nu ma iubeste la fel, si totul se stinge...

Acum, ce anume m-a ranit? Visul meu, sau o persoana?

Michelle spunea...
